Yellow Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Rorate in Anchor M6 M8
  • Yellow Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Rorate in Anchor M6 M8 Yellow Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Rorate in Anchor M6 M8
  • Yellow Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Rorate in Anchor M6 M8 Yellow Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Rorate in Anchor M6 M8
  • Yellow Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Rorate in Anchor M6 M8 Yellow Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Rorate in Anchor M6 M8
  • Yellow Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Rorate in Anchor M6 M8 Yellow Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Rorate in Anchor M6 M8

Yellow Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Rorate in Anchor M6 M8

Gangtong Zheli est Flavus Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Occumbo in Anchor M6 M8 fabricatores et praebitores in Sinis qui eam possunt Lupum facere.
Superficies: zinci patella
Materia: carbo chalybe
MOQ: ≥900KGS

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Yellow Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Rorate in Anchor M6 M8

Gangtong Zheli est Sinarum fabrica & elit, quae maxime efficit Flavi Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Occumbo in Anchor M6 M8 cum multis annis experientiae. Spero te aedificare negotium necessitudinem cum. Anchora stilla, transposita est processus piscationis, et demittitur ancora rom fine cathead. Hanc anchoram fulmen fabricare possumus secundum GB, DIN, ANSI, JIS, ISO, ASTM et clientium requisita cum magna qulity et minore pretio.

Iacta in Acnhor Material et Chemical Compositio:

Materia No. C≤ Si≤ Mn≤ P≤ S≤ Ti≤
Q195 0.12 0.3 0.5 0.035 0.04
Q235 0.22 0.35 1.4 0.04 0.05
Q275 0.24 0.35 1.5 0.45 0.05
Q345 0.2 0.5 1.7 0.035 0.035 0.2
Q500 0.18 0.6 1.8 0.03 0.025 0.2
Q550 0.18 0.6 1.8 0.03 0.03 0.2


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Hot Tags: Flavus Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Occumbo in Anchor M6 M8, Sinis, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Lorem, Quality, Factory, Pretium
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